Do You Suffer From Peripheral Neuropathy?
How do you know if you have peripheral nerve damage?
The following symptoms may start gradually and then worsen overtime:
- Pain & Numbness
- Diabetic NervePain
- Sharp Electrical Pain
- Burning Pain
- Muscle Weakness
- Creepy Crawlies
- Difficult Sleeping From Foot Discomfort
- Balance Problems
- Pain When Walking

We Can Help You!
Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that affects nearly 20 million Americans. It usually begins in the feet and lower legs, but overtime, can advance into the hands and fingers. We’ve worked with hundreds of P/N patients and we know how debilitating and frustrating this condition can be. Until now, the only treatment for this terrible condition has been oral medication and injections, and in many cases these simply don’t work.
We utilize a completely new, advanced method of treatment that often reduces or eliminates pain and symptoms caused by neuropathy. Our therapies are safe and effective… even for diabetic patients. Thousands of PN sufferers have already experienced this new treatment protocol,and are now able to live life and enjoy activities that were taking away from them by neuropathy pain.
Call now to schedule a no obligation exam with Dr. R. Lambino
This consultation will tell us how much your nerve damage has advanced and if you are a candidate for this New Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment protocol.
We do not accept patients we don’t feel we can help!

No Pills. No Injections. No Surgery.
Come in for a Neuropathy Reversal Consultation to see if we can help you!
Or fill out the form below to have a member of our staff contact you.

With the state-of-the-art treatments we use in our Carmel office, our goal is to reverse and restore your peripheral nerve damage, not just mask the pain and symptoms, but rather to reverse & restore the peripheral nerve damage…. to the fullest extent your body is capable.
Our experienced staff is dedicated to helping you get your life back!