People need to be taught this simple yet powerful lesson; Children with learning or behavior issues, by nature are not lazy, violent, excessively angry or somnolent…. they are shackled to imperfect brains.
This in itself is a revelation, but moreover, they have brains that in most cases can be trained to work better with Neurofeedback.
So much of these Children’s suffering is unnecessary and reversible.
Sue Othmer Neurofeedback Pioneer

Hello and thanks for taking a few minutes to learn about Neurofeedback and the introductory promotion we are offering.
Over the past several years, we’ve noticed a dramatic increase in the number of chiropractic patients who are also suffering from conditions related to brain dysregulation including depression, anxiety, dementia, ADD, PTSD, traumatic brain injury, MS, Parkinson’s etc.
A common complaint from these patients is the lack of options given by their “medical specialists” beyond pharmaceutical drugs, so as a result, many have been turning to us asking about natural, alternative therapies.
Just like you, we also have friends and family members whose lives are dramatically impacted by these modern-day ailments, so we’ve committed to making a shift in our practice and seek natural, effective ways to treat these conditions.
Through our travels to find better answers, we have met many talented doctors and practitioners who are using cutting edge “alternative” therapies to treat and often reverse these disorders. These solutions are often simple, safe and life-changing, yet are still not offered or even discussed by most allopathic physicians.
After considerable research, we are now ready to begin the next phase of our practice in treating conditions of the brain with Neurofeedback therapy.
Eleven Year Old Boy Makes Great Progress After 20 Sessions
I just wanted to write a little review about my experience with Neurofeedback at Complete Chiropractic & Wellness.
My 11 year old son just finished his first 20 sessions of Neurofeedback with Steve and together with a moderate change in diet, he has been showing a lot of positive changes and progress.
He was diagnosed with ADHD several years ago and we tried all kinds of medicines that never really worked and had bad side effects, so we heard about Neurofeedback and decided to give it a try.
We’ve noticed significant changes in his behavior and we’ve received many recent comments from his teachers at school. They’ve told us that my son has noticeable improvement in that he’s more focused, he’s working better with the other students and he can stay on task (which was one of our biggest problems). In the past he was overactive in school, not staying in his chair and he needed to be reminded throughout the day to stay still and concentrate.
Also his speech therapist who he has been seeing for a couple of years has remarked that as of recent, my son is much easier to work with and follows instructions much better. This therapist does not know that we are doing Neurofeedback but said whatever we are doing, to keep it up because she’s noticed a big change in my son.
The other recommendation by Steve that has helped a lot is following a gluten free diet. We haven’t been perfect with it, but notice the difference when we’ve been able to stay away from gluten.
So we do recommend Neurofeedback with Steve because this is something that has really helped my son and can change a child’s life without the need of taking medication (in our case) and we all know that children taking medication cannot be a good thing.
M.R.Carmel, NY

Neurofeedback is a process of training brainwaves back into healthy patterns using modern computer technology. This non-invasive and drug free approach uses brain imaging technology to record brainwave activity and identify unhealthy brainwave patterns. Once irregular patterns have been identified, they can be corrected using guided audio and visual feedback. This amazing technology has proven itself effective over decades of research studies and real world application with conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, Migraines and a host of other disorders (see list below).
Training begins by running a personal brain map to identify which brainwaves are running too slow or too fast. Based on this detailed mapping, the Neurofeedback software assigns a programmed treatment aimed at normalizing brain function. These “training sessions” are typically 30 minutes and are experienced sitting comfortably watching a movie or video. Little to no effort is required while the Neurofeedback system does its work.
Conditions Helped by Neurofeedback:
Brain Injury
Sleep Disorders
Substance Abuse
Lyme Disease
Memory Loss
Post Partum Depression -
Bipolar Disorder
Sensory & Perception
Sports Performance
Music Performance
Scholastic Performance
Work / Life Performance
Improve IQ
Below you will see extraordinary numbers as reported by an independent study of Neurofeedback therapy. Average percentage of improvement with Neurofeedback therapy:
ADD / ADHD 90%
Depression 90%
OCD 70%
Anxiety 75%
Bi-polar 60%
Autism 30 – 45%
Neurofeedback has been proven to:
Increase IQ 5 to 15 points
Improve school performance 1 – 2 grade points. (its common for students to improve grades from C’s to A’s)
Improve SAT college entry exam scores an average of 10%.
Effects of Neurofeedback have been tested as permanent for up to 30 years (has not been officially tested beyond the 30 year mark).

Neurofeedback is widely acknowledged and accepted by many in the medical world. In October 2012 the American Academy of Pediatrics report on Evidence-based Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Interventions concluded that for the Attention and Hyperactivity behavioral problems, Neurofeedback was a “Level 1 Best Support’ intervention, which is the highest level of designation.
Neurofeedback is also used by the U.S. Military for soldiers returning with PTSD.
The Prestigious London’s Royal College of Music includes Neurofeedback as part of their curriculum as they have found that NFB therapy improves their student’s performance by 17%, which is equivalent to 1 grade level.
Members of the World Cup 2006 Champion Italian Soccer Team described neurofeedback to be their secret weapon in winning the World Cup.
If you are further interested, my recommendation would be to spend time researching Neurofeedback on the Internet. Google, Youtube and are all great places to search “Neurofeedback” and read/watch lots of great research, peer reviewed studies and some amazing testimonials.
Answers to commonly asked questions:
Many people with average to moderate cases will experience measurable results in 20 sessions. After 20 sessions, patient is revaluated with a 2nd Brain-map to check progress. After this, most patients choose to continue and complete 30 – 40 sessions (total) to maximize results. More challenging cases may need 40 – 60 sessions.
Training sessions are typically 30 minutes but scheduled for 45-minutes to allow time for set up and consultation. A minimum of 2 sessions per week is required. For those that find it challenging to come in 2x per week, portable take-home units are available to be used for a portion of the training sessions.
Depending on your condition, dietary changes will be strongly recommended and specific supplements will be required.
Based on 2 sessions per week, the 20-session protocol should take approximately 2.5 months.
Neurofeedback is not covered by insurance. Financing Options Available.
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