PEMF Therapy
You CANNOT watch the PEMF testimonials on this video and not be convinced that Pulse XL PRO PEMF Therapy is revolutionary and an absolute game-changer in the treatment of pain and injury!
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Pulse XL Pro PEMF
Pulse XL Pro PEMF Therapy Excels, Where Traditional Pain-Relief Therapies Fall Short!
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(Introductory offer is for New Customers and Local Residents only)
PEMF Therapy has been known to help with many conditions including the following:
- Back Pain
- Bursitis
- Tendonitis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Sciatica Pain
- Arthritis
- Hip/Knee Pain
- Prostate Issues
- Overactive bladder
- Erectile Disfunction
- Neck/Shoulder
- Herniated Disc
- Neuropathy
- Post Surgery
- Auto-immune
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Fybromyalgia
- Hashimoto’s
- Migraines
- Lyme Disease
- Allergies
- Sports Injuries
- Hypothyroidism
- ACL Tear
- And More…
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Over the last decade there have been many advancements in natural, non-invasive pain management therapies and arguably Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) is at the forefront.
With the addition of PEMF technology into our practice, we feel strongly that this one therapy will fill that void that all Health Practitioners face; immediate, natural, non-pharmaceutical pain relief for their patients, along with accelerated healing of acute and chronic conditions.
We see many patients who are frustrated with the lack of solutions to their serious health conditions, and are resigned to a life of daily chronic pain and illness. With this advancement of cellular charging, we are now able to get to the root of so many issues, and can help those patients that have tried everything for chronic pain or injuries but have not been able to find relief.
So, if you’re discouraged with traditional medical options, and have tried everything to find any measure of relief, don’t despair…we can help.
Patients come in to our office feeling defeated by their health and leave feeling reinvigorated with a new lease on life. It almost sounds too good to be true, but PEMF works.

-Dr. Mehmet Oz, Professor of Surgery, Columbia University
PEMF Recharges your cells batteries
So Like Fully Charged Power Tools, Your Cells Are Now Ready to Get to Work
So What Exactly is PEMF Therapy

You are only as Healthy as your Cells
Did you know we have over 100 Trillion cells in our body…. and each cell is a tiny “battery” that requires electrical charge and energy to function properly? When your cells do not have enough energy, your body cannot fully repair and restore itself. Consequently, you become vulnerable and susceptible to persistent fatigue, injury, chronic pain and disease.

And, how efficiently your cells perform its natural function, will determine how productively it can impact your body’s overall ability to repair and heal itself.

White Paper Report PEMF Theraphy
Pulsed Eelctromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) is a reparative and restorative technology that stimulates cellular charge resulting in cellular repair. Those in the medical field who use PEMF in their practices believe it is the most advanced injury and pain management technology in the world today that has changed the future of natural medicine.
Many scientific studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of PEMF. Application of pulsed electro-magnetic energy is based on more than 40 years of worldwide research carried out by renowned scientists from Russia to United States.
In addition there are mountains of evidence of practical benefits documented by thousands of physicians around the world. Currently, in the USA, PEMF technology has been approved by the FDA for several applications, including bone fusion and bone density enhancement treatments for those recovering from compound fractures and those who experience old-age bone degeneration.
Currently, we have entered an era where PEMF technology allows us to broadcast and deliver electromagnetic fields that charge our own cells into a state of homeostatic RESONANCE; strengthening the energy-field of each cell, thereby fortifying and protecting ourselves from pathogens that damage our body. It does so by recharging our 100 trillion cells, improving ATP production, increasing oxygenation, enhancing circulation, improving hydration, and gaining a better overall absorption of nutrients.
Tens of thousands of patients have been treated successfully with PEMF for almost every condition including arthritis, neck and back pain, sciatica, sport injuries, post-operative healing, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, insomnia, depression, migraines, bone healing, osteoporosis, skin diseases and general pain.
Immediate Pain Relief…
PEMF can often provide fast and immediate pain relief within just a few minutes of the initial session to those suffering from chronic or acute pain. With multiple sessions, PEMF has been known to completely reverse chronic pain and disease. Within days of use, PEMF has the capacity to accelerate injury recovery that normally would have taken months to fully recover.
Read over 1000 peered-reviewed abstracts on PEMF therapy at &

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